
The 4th Chinese Classics Recitation, Writing and Speech Contest

Published:2022-06-09  Views:1609

The 4th Chinese Classics Recitation, Writing and Speech Contest is coming! Here is more information:


Theme:  Classics Build Dreams Into the Future


- Chinese Classics Recitation Contest

- Chinese Poetry Interpretation Contest

- Chinese Calligraphy Contest

- Chinese Seal-engraving Contest


01 Chinese Classics Recitation Contest


- Contests are open only to foreign students.

- Both individuals and groups can participate in the contest. Group members shall not be replaced or added during the contest.

- There are no more than two instructors of each entry. Participants should not be signed as instructors

Contents Requirements:

- The recitation content should be classic poems or other works that have social influence in ancient, modern and contemporary China, which reflect the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

- Contemporary works should have been officially published or come out by mainstream media.

Requirements of Form:

- Entries are required to be newly recorded videos in 2022, with high-definition 1920*1080 horizontal screen shooting, MP4 format, 3-6 minutes in length, and no more than 700MB in size.

- Videos should have clear images and sound, with no jitter or noise.

- Post-dubbing is not allowed in the video.

- Please present your name, group members, instructors, categories and other necessary information at the beginning of the video. The information should consist with that of the summary sheet.

- Entries once submitted cannot be modified. Please confirm.

- “方正字库字体”or other copyrighted fonts are preferred when used in the video.

- Portraits without the consent of the image rights holder, unauthorized images and videos, unrelated banners and conner signs are not allowed in the entries.

- You can present recitation with the help of music, clothing or other means.

Recitation in the form of groups is encouraged.


- Email your entry along with ““诵读中国”经典诵读大赛上海赛区作品汇总表” (the summary sheet) to before 11.59 on June 14, 2022. 

- Download the summary sheet via:

- Name your summary sheet ““诵读中国”经典诵读大赛上海赛区作品汇总表-your Chinese name”.

- Name your entry document “title of entry-your Chinese name”.


02 Chinese Poetry Interpretation Contest


- Contests are open only to foreign students.

- Each person is allowed to submit 1 piece of work

- Only up one instructor

- Instructors are not allowed to act as participants

Contents Requirements:

- The narration must be in the common national language, and the content should be a classical poem from the unified version of the primary and secondary school language textbooks of the Ministry of Education or from the university language textbooks included in the national planning textbooks of general higher education

- Explaining poetic works with personal life experiences and feelings, and explaining the meaning and value of poetry, using multimedia and other innovative forms to record the explanation video

Requirements of Form:

- Your work must be newly created videos in 2022, shot in landscape, in MP4 format, 5-8 minutes in length, not less than 720P in definition, and not more than 700MB

- Clear image and sound, no shaking, no noise, participants must appear on camera

- The name of the poetry work and the author, name of the participant, unit, group and other information must be indicated at the beginning of the video, and this content must be consistent with the information filled in the event platform

- The information will not be changed after the work enters the judging stage


- Email your entry along with “诗教中国”诗词讲解大赛上海赛区作品汇总表” (the summary sheet) to before 11.59 on June 14, 2022. 

- Download the summary sheet via: 

- Name your summary sheet “诗教中国诗词讲解大赛上海赛区作品汇总表-your Chinese name”.

- Name your entry document “title of entry-your Chinese name”.


For the other two contests, please click the link:

Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng