

职      称:助理研究员


研究方向:1. 淀粉生物合成-结构-功能关系






2018年6月毕业于西北农林科技大学获得硕士学位;2022年6月毕业于正规网赌十大排行网址获博士学位,师从隋中泉教授和Harold Corke教授;2023年4月开始担任正规网赌十大排行网址助理研究员。博士期间主要围绕淀粉微结构的结合蛋白和脂质对淀粉功能与改性的影响机制开展研究。当前聚焦淀粉生长发育与多尺度结构解析、食品中淀粉-小分子/大分子互作机制、低升糖指数与降血糖食品研发等相关领域。目前,以第一/共一身份在Food Hydrocolloids等期刊发表 SCI 论文16篇,中文核心3篇,其中,高被引论文1篇,中科院一区12篇。申请国家发明专利 11项,其中已授权专利6项。参与编写《Physical modifications of starch》第二版和中国轻工业“十四五”规划教材《食品试验优化设计(第三版)》。此外,还担任Journal of Cereal Science、Cereal Chemistry 等期刊审稿人。




1. M. T. Ma, Z. K. Xu, X. J. Chen, C. C. Zhang, Z. Y. Liu, D. Cantre, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2022). Architecture of outer shell and inner blocklets of rice starch granule is related to starch granule-associated proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 127, 107551.

2. M. T. Ma, H. X. Zhu, Z. Y. Liu, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*, (2021). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins alters the physicochemical properties of diverse small granule starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 124, 107318.

3. M. T. Ma, X. J. Chen, R. Z. Zhou, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2021). Surface microstructure of rice starch is altered by removal of granule-associated proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 121, 107038.

4. M. T. Ma, Z. K. Xu, P. Li, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins affects amyloglucosidase hydrolysis of rice starch granules, Carbohydrate Polymers, 247, 116674.

5. M. T. Ma, Y. J. Xu, Z. L. Liu, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins promotes α-amylase hydrolysis of rice starch granule, Food Chemistry, 330, 127313.

6. M. T. Ma, Y. J. Wang, M. X. Wang, J. Jane, S. K. Du *, (2017) Physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of legume starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 63, 249-255.

7. M. T. Ma, Y. J. Ren, W. Xie, D. Zhou, S. Tang, M. Kuang, Y. Wang, S. Du*, (2018). Physicochemical and functional properties of protein isolate obtained from cottonseed meal. Food Chemistry, 240:856-862.

8. M. T. Ma, Y. D. Wen, C. Qiu, Q. Zhan, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Milling affects rheological and gel textural properties of rice flour. Cereal Chemistry, 97, 205-215.

9. M. T. Ma, M. He, Y. J. Xu, P. Li, Z. J. Li, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Thermal processing of rice grains affects the physical properties of their pregelatinized rice flours. International Journal of Food & Technology, 55, 1375-1385.

10. M. T. Ma#, Y. D. Wen#, C. C. Zhang, Z. K. Xu, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2021). Extraction and characterization of starch granule-associated surface and channel lipids from small-granule starches that affect physicochemical properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 126, 107370.

11. M. T. Ma#, Z. K. Xu#, H. X. Wu, K. W. Li, G. L. Sun, J. X. He*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2022). Removal of starch granule-associated surface and channel lipids alters the properties of sodium trimetaphosphate crosslinked maize starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 473-481.

12. M. T. Ma#, Y. Liu#, X. J. Chen, C. Brennan, X. M. Xu*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Thermal and pasting properties and digestibility of blends of potato and rice starches differing in amylose content. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 165, 321-332.

13. M. T. Ma#, Z. J. Li#, F. Yang, H., Wu, W. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2021). Use of heat‐moisture treated maize starch to modify the properties of wheat flour and the quality of noodles. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56, 3607-3617.

14. M. T. Ma#, Y. Zhang#, X. J. Chen, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Microwave irradiation differentially affect the physicochemical properties of waxy and non-waxy hull-less barley starch. Journal of Cereal Science, 95, 103072.

15. L. Y. Wang#, M. T. Ma#, Z. Yu, & S. K. Du *, (2021). Preparation and identification of antioxidant peptides from cottonseed proteins. Food Chemistry, 352, 129399. ESI高被引论文

16. L. T. Sun#, M. T. Ma#, X. J. Chen, Z. K. Xu, C. C. Zhang, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2022). Physicochemical properties of A- and B-type granules isolated from waxy and normal hull-less barley starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 213, 456-464.



[1] 隋中泉, 马梦婷, 孙乐彤, 华为风, 王明明, 南流, 南潇. 一种三偏磷酸钠交联淀粉的制备方法. 上海市: ZL202210737398.1. 授权日期:2022-11-04

[2] 隋中泉, 马梦婷, 刘子逸, 张闯闯, 许泽坤, 李紫君, 南流, 南潇. 一种高乳化性能辛烯基琥珀酸酐淀粉基乳化剂的制备方法[P]. 上海市:ZL 2022 1 0428903.4. 授权日期:2023-04-07

[3] 隋中泉, 何梦, 马梦婷, 高海德, 李紫君. 一种高黏度米粉的制备方法[P]. 上海市:授权号ZL 201910725589.4, 授权日期:2022-09-09.

[4] 隋中泉, 张宇, 高海德, 马梦婷, 徐义娟, 战倩, 李紫君, 李克虎. 一种低粘度青稞淀粉的制备方法[P]. 上海市:授权号ZL. 201910809552.X, 授权日期:2021-6-11

[5] 隋中泉, 刘逸, 高海德, 马梦婷, 徐义娟, 李克虎. 一种提高马铃薯淀粉粘度的方法[P]. 上海市:授权号ZL. 202010851057.8, 授权日期: 2022-05-31.

[6] 隋中泉, 徐义娟, 高海德, 李紫君, 马梦婷, 温雅迪. Amy1基因敲除小鼠动物模型的构建方法及应用[P]. 上海市:授权号ZL. 201911060539.5, 授权日期:2022-06-28.

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