

       殷 杉  教授



申广荣 副教授

颜景理 助理研究员









1. 城市生态系统长期定位观测和生态系统服务

2. 城市景观生态及3S技术应用

3. 植物与污染物(PM、BVOCs、SVOCs)的交互作用

4. 城市森林生态系统结构、功能和维持机制

5. 生物地球化学循环及DNDC模型




(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,绿地降温服务供需失衡与城市化过程的耦合机制研究

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于连续观测的城市森林中异戊二烯与气溶胶短期负反馈效应及环境互作机制

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型园林植物叶片对亚微米颗粒的凝并作用及机制研究

(4) 国家重点研发计划(子课题),城市景观格局对热环境影响的多尺度效应与作用机理

(5) 国家重点研发计划(子课题),农业废弃物好氧转化动态模拟及模型开发


[1] 人工气溶胶气候箱及其使用方法      

[2] 间接测定植物表面PM2.5的干沉降速率的方法

[3] 离心式质量测定仪及其使用方法

[4] 利用超临界萃取技术测定植物叶片中多环芳烃含量的方法   

[5] 叶片上亚微米颗粒物凝并效率测定方法、系统及介质

[6] 新型农业园区碳排放计量软件   

[7] DNDC模型可视化网络平台软件      

[8] 固态多孔介质中有机碳化学动态过程模型 DSOC模型)

[9] 农业废弃物好氧生物转化模型软件   

[10] 上海城市森林生态站数据库管理系统


[1] Yan Jingli, Chen Wendy Y., Zhang Zixiao, Zhao Wenxing, Liu Min, Yin Shan*. Mitigating PM2.5 exposure with vegetation barrier and building designs in urban open-road environments based on numerical simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2024.

[2] Chen Dele, Xiao Hua-Yun, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Leaf-deposited particles: Single-particle mass spectral signatures and comparison with naturally fallen particles. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2024.

[3] Yan Jingli, Sun Ningxiao, Zheng Ji, Zhang Yuanyuan, Yin Shan *. Uneven PM2.5 dispersion pattern across an open-road vegetation barrier: Effects of planting combination and wind condition. Science of the Total Environment,2024.

[4] Ma Fangzhou, Zhang Wenwen, Yan Jingli, Zhang Tian, Lu Ningxin, Yao Miaoling, Zhang Tai, Zheng Ji*, Yin Shan*. Early advantage for carbon sequestration of monocultures and greater long-term carbon sink potential of broadleaf mixed forests: 20-year evidence from the Shanghai Green Belt. Ecological Indicators, 2024.

[5] Zhao Chang, Liu Xinxin, Tan Haoxin, Yin Shan, Su Lantian, Du Baoming, Khalid Muhammad, Sinkkonen Aki, Hui Nan*. Neighborhood garden's age shapes phyllosphere microbiota associated with respiratory diseases in cold seasons. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology,2024.

[6] Yin Shan, Chen Y. Wendy*, Liu Chunjiang*. Urban forests as a strategy for transforming towards healthy cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2023.

[7] Zheng Ji, Han Yujie, Sun Ningxiao, Ye Yize, Yan Jingli, Zhang Wenwen and Yin Shan*.  Intra-annual carbon fluxes and resource use efficiency of subtropical urban forests: insights from Chongming Island ecological observatory. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2023.

[8] Long Yuchong, Zhang Wenwen, Sun Ningxiao, Zhu Penghua, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Sequential Interaction of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and SOAs in Urban Forests Revealed Using Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering and Causal Inference. Forests 2023.

[9] Zheng Ji, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Decoupling between carbon source and sink induced by responses of daily stem growth to water availability in subtropical urban forests. Science of the Total Environment,2023.

[10]Lyu Junyao, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli, Shen Guangrong, Yin Shan*. Coagulation effect of atmospheric submicron particles on plant leaves: Key functional characteristics and a comparison with dry deposition. Science of the Total Environment,2023.

[11]Li Xiaogang, Chen Dele, Carrión J.Víctor, Revillini Daniel, Yin Shan, Dong Yuanhua, Zhang Taolin, Wang Xingxiang* & Delgado-Baquerizo Manuel*. Acidification suppresses the natural capacity of soil microbiome to fight pathogenic Fusarium infections. Nature Communications, 2023.

[12] Shen Guangrong, Chen Yanchi, Zhang Jingying, Wu Yu, Yi Yang, Li Shengyong, Yin Shan. Quantitative analysis of index factors in agricultural compost by infrared spectroscopy. Heliyon, 2023.

[13] Yin Shan, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli*. Review on the multi-scale interactions of urban forests and atmospheric particles: affecting factors are scale-dependent among tree, stand and region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2022.

[14] Chen Dele, Yin Shan*, Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zhang Yiran, Zhu Yanhua, Yan Jingli. A high-resolution study of PM2.5 accumulation inside leaves in leaf stomata compared with non-stomatal areas using three-dimensional X-ray microscopy. Science of the Total Environment, 2022.

[15] Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Chen Y. Wendy, Chen Dele, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Quantifying the capacity of tree branches for retaining airborne submicron particles. Environmental Pollution, 2022.

[16] Du Baoming, Ji Huawei, Liu Shirong, Kang Hongzhang, Yin Shan*, Liu Chunjiang*. Nutrient resorption strategies of three oak tree species in response to interannual climate variability. Forest Ecosystems,2022.

[17] Li Yu, Zhang Xuyi, Li Muni, Yin Shan, Zhang Zhi, Zhang Tong, Meng Huan, Gong Jialian, Zhang Weikang. Particle resuspension from leaf surfaces: Effect of species, leaf traits and wind speed. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2022.

[18] Tan Haoxin, Liu Xinxin, Yin Shan, Zhao Chang, Su Lantian, Wang Song, Khalid Muhammad, Setälä Heikki, Hui Nan*. Soil microbiota associated with immune-mediated disease was influenced by heavy metal stress in roadside soils of Shanghai. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022.

[19] Yi Yang, Shen Guangrong*, Zhang Chen, Sun Hao, Zhang Zhouyiling, Yin Shan. Quantitative analysis and prediction of urban heat island intensity on urban-rural gradient: A case study of Shanghai. Science of the Total Environment. 2022.

[20] Chi Yaowei, You Yimin, Wang Juncai, Chen Xunfeng, Chu Shaohua, Wang Renyuan, Zhang Xia, Yin Shan, Zhang Dan, Zhou Pei*.Two plant growth-promoting bacterial Bacillus strains possess different mechanisms in affecting cadmium uptake and detoxification of Solanum nigrum L.. Chemosphere, 2022.

[21] Chen Dele, Wang Xingxiang, Carriónd J. Víctor, Yin Shan, Yue Zhengfu, Liao Yangwenke,  Dong Yuanhua, Li Xiaogang*. Acidic amelioration of soil amendments improves soil health by impacting rhizosphere microbial assemblies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022.

[22] Tan Haoxin, Liu Xinxin, Yin Shan, Zhao Chang, Su Lantian, Li Xiaoxiao, Khalid Muhammad, Setälä Heikki, Hui Nan. Immune-mediated disease associated microbial community responded to PAH stress in phyllosphere of roadside greenspaces in Shanghai. Environmental Pollution,2022.

[23] Yin Shan*, Tian Lu, Ma Yingge, Tan Haoxin, Xu Lurong, Sun Ningxiao, Meng Hengyu, Liu Chunjiang. Sources and sinks evaluation of PAHs in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora in megacity: from the perspective of land-use types. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021.

[24] Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zeng Yuxiao, Sun Ningxiao, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Individual effects of trichomes and leaf morphology on PM2.5 dry deposition velocity: A variable-control approach using species from the same family or genus. Environmental Pollution, 2021.

[25] Lyu Junyao, Yin Shan*, Shang ChenCheng, Ma Yingge, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Sensitivity analysis of isoprene and aerosol emission in a suburban plantation using long short-term memory model. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021.

[26] Zhang Xuyi, Yin Shan*, Lyu Junyao, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Indirect method for determining the dry deposition velocity of submicron particulate matter on leaves. Atmospheric Environment, 2021.

[27] Lyu Junyao, Xiong Feng, Sun Ningxiao, Li Yiheng, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Photosynthesis and related physiological parameters differences affected the isoprene emission rate among 10 typical tree species in Subtropical metropolises. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021.

[28] Ji Huawei, Du Baoming, Du Hongmei, Sun Ningxiao, Yang Xu, Peng Mingjun, Kang Hongzhang, Yin Shan, Liu Chunjiang*. Genetic variation and differentiation of Quercus variabilis populations at phosphate and non-phosphate rock sites in southwestern China. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2021.

[29] Su Lantian, Liu Xinxin, Jin Guangyao, Ma Yue, Tan Haoxin, Khalid Muhammed, Romantschuk Martin, Yin Shan, Hui Nan.. Habitat Elevation Shapes Microbial Community Composition and Alter the Metabolic Functions in Wild Sable (Martes zibellina) Guts. Animals, 2021.

[30] Du Baoming, Yuan Jun, Ji Huawei, Yin Shan, Kang Hongzhang, Liu Chunjiang. Body Size Plasticity of Weevil Larvae (Curculio davidi) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its stoichiometric relationship with different hosts. Journal of Insect Science, 2021.

[31] 孙宁骁, 殷杉*, 郑吉, 朱鹏华. 2016-2021年上海长三角站长期监测样地土壤基本性状数据集. 中国科学数据, 2023.

[32] 孙宁骁, 刘春江, 朱鹏华, 吕俊瑶, 章旭毅, 殷杉*. 人工气溶胶烟雾箱的研发与实践[J]. 实验室研究与探索, 2022.

[33] 孙文,韩玉洁,殷杉*.城市公园不同植物群落内空气负离子变异格局及影响因素[J].华东师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021.


城市生态与长期观测研究组 招聘启事(长期有效)



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