







  • 1991.7年毕业于上海华东师范大学生物学专业,获理学学士;
  • 1996.7年于中国科学院上海植物生理研究所获博士学位;
  • 1996.7-1998.12年在德国马普分子植物生理研究所从事博士后研究。


  • 2019.1-现在,十大网赌信誉官网排名,教授。
  • 1999.1-2018.12,中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所副研究员、研究员(2002.10起)。期间曾任中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所副所长(2005-2008年)、常务副所长(2008-2009年)、所长(2009-2014年);植物分子遗传国家重点实验室主任(2006-2017)。


  • 1998年入选中国科学院“百人计划”
  • 2004年获“国家杰出青年科学基金”
  • 2006年获“中国青年科技奖”
  • 2009年入选百千万工程国家级人选
  • 2013年入选科技部”中青年科技领军人才”
  • 2016年入选国家“万人计划”科技领军人才
  • “国家重大研究计划项目”首席科学家(2012-2016年)
  • “国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体”负责人(2017-)
  • 上海市自然科学奖二等奖(排名第一,2006年)
  • 上海市科技进步奖二等奖(排名第一,2005年)


  • 现任中国植物生理与分子生物学会常务理事、细胞与发育专业委员会主任委员;上海遗传学会副理事长;十大网赌信誉官网排名学术委员会主任,复旦大学植物科学研究所学术委员会主任;
  • Plant Cell & Environment副主编;Cell Research、Molecular Plant等编委。
  • 曾任上海植物生理学会理事长(2010-2014)。



       迄今发表论著2部,以通讯作者发表SCI论文70逾篇,包括Nature Communications, Cell Research (14篇),EMBO J,Cell Reports,Plant Cell (10篇)和Molecular Plant (12篇)等,并多次应邀在Current Opinion in Plant Biology 等撰写综述。先后承担了国家973、863和自然科学基金委、中国科学院、上海市的多项研究任务,做为首席科学家主持了“植物胚乳发育及储藏物质累积的分子调控机制研究”重大研究计划项目、国家自然科学基金委“高等植物开花时间多样性的分子机理”创新研究群体。


  • 两次担任“香山会议”执行主席,对推动我国植物激素领域基础研究和学科发展做出了重要贡献。
  • 注重科研协作,在2000年成立了我国生物学领域第一个马普植物分子生理伙伴实验室,并推动了上海植物生理生态研究所和美国、英国等高校的实质性合。
  • 担任上海植物生理生态研究所所长期间,着力引进和培育青年人才,建设了一支一流科研团队,造就了多名领军人才;完善了科研结构和布局,部署前沿领域,营造潜心致研的科研环境,显著提升了学科创新能力和研究所的整体实力,为推动我国植物科学研究做出了贡献。


研究论文 (通讯作者或第一作者)

  1. Chen SH, Zhou LJ, Xu P, and Xue HW*. SPOC domain-containing protein Leaf inclination3 interacts with LIP1 to regulate rice leaf inclination through auxin signaling. PLoS Genetics. 2018, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007829.
  2. Zhao, Y.-F., Peng, T., Sun, H.-Z., Teotia, S., Wen, H.-L., Du, Y.-X., Zhang, J., Li, J.-Z., Tang, G.-L., Xue HW*, and Zhao QZ*. miR1432-OsACOT (Acyl-CoA thioesterase) module determines grain yield via enhancing grain filling rate in rice. Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, doi: 10.1111/pbi.13009.
  3. Qu L, Lin LB, and Xue HW*. Rice miR394 suppresses leaf inclination through targeting an F-box gene, LEAF INCLINATION 4. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2018, 10.1111/jipb.12713 .
  4. Chen HH, Qu L, Xu ZH, Zhu JK, and Xue HW*. EL1-like casein kinases suppress ABA signaling and responses by phosphorylating and destabilizing ABA receptors PYR/PYLs in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 2018, 11(5), 706-719 doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2018.02.012.
  5. Yang BJ, Lin WH, Fu FF, Xu ZH, and Xue HW*. Receptor-like protein ELT1 promotes brassinosteroid signaling through interacting with and suppressing the endocytosis-mediated degradation of receptor BRI1. Cell Research, 2017, doi:10.1038/cr.2017.69.
  6. Zhou LJ, Xiao LT, and Xue HW*.Dynamic cytology and transcriptional regulation of rice lamina joint development. Plant Physiology, 2017, 174, 1728-1746 (Cover)
  7. Xu JJ, Zhang XF, and Xue HW*. Rice aleurone layer specific OsNF-YB1 regulates grain filling and endosperm development by interacting with an ERF transcription factor. J Experimental Botany, 2016, 67, 6399-6411.
  8. Tang Y, Zhao CY, Tan ST, and Xue HW*. Arabidopsis type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase PI4Kr5 regulates auxin biosynthesis and leaf margin serration through interacting with and affecting the cleavage of a membrane-bound NAC transcription factor. PLoS Genetics, 2016, 12(8): e1006252. 
  9. Chu YJ, Chen X, and Xue HW*. Ins(1,4,5)P3 suppresses protein degradation in plant vacuole by regulating SNX-mediated protein sorting. Molecular Plant, 2016, 9: 1440-1443.
  10. Deng T, Yao HY, Wang J, Wang J, Xue HW*, Zuo KJ*. GhLTPG1, a cotton GPI-anchored lipid transfer protein, regulates the transport of phosphatidylinositol monophosphates and cotton fiber elongation. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:26829. 
  11. Yang BJ, Han XX, Xing MQ, Yin LL, Xu ZH, and Xue HW*.Arabidopsis PROTEASOME REGULATOR1 is required for auxin-mediated suppression of proteasome activity and regulates auxin signaling. Nature Communications, 2016, 7:11388.
  12. Wang YS, Yao HY*, and Xue HW*.Lipidomic profiling analysis reveals the dynamics of phospholipid molecules inArabidopsis thaliana seedling growth. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2016, 58, 890-902.(Cover)
  13. Xing MQ, Zhang YJ, Zhou SR, Hu WY, Wu XT, Ye YJ, Wu XX, Xiao YP, Li X, and Xue HW*. Global analysis reveals the crucial roles of DNA methylation during rice seed development. Plant Physiol.2015 168: 1417-1432.
  14. Yu F, He FY, Yao HY, Wang CY, Wang JC, Li JX, Qi XF, Xue HW*, Ding JP*, and Zhang P*. Structural basis of intramitochondrial phosphatidic acid transport mediated by Ups1-Mdm35 complex. EMBO Reports, 2015, 16:813-823.
  15. Yan M, Zhou SR*, and Xue HW*. CRISPR Primer Designer: Design primers for knockout & chromosome imaging CRISPR-Cas system. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57:613-617. 
  16. Tan ST, and Xue HW*. Casein kinase 1 regulates ethylene synthesis by phosphorylating and promoting the turnover of ACS5. Cell Reports, 2014, 9:1692-1702.
  17. Guo HM, Li HC, Zhou SR, Xue HW*, Miao XX*. Cis-12-Oxo-Phytodienoic Acid Stimulates Rice Defense Response to a Piercing-Sucking Insect. Molecular Plant, 2014, 7:1683-1692. 
  18. Tan ST, Dai C, Liu HT, and Xue HW*. Arabidopsis casein kinase1 proteins CK1.3 and CK1.4 phosphorylate cryptochrome 2 to regulate blue light signaling. The Plant Cell, 2013, 25:2618-2632. 
  19. Gao HB, Chu YJ, Xue HW*. Phosphatidic acid (PA) binds PP2AA1 to regulate PP2A activity and PIN1 polar localization. Molecular Plant, 2013, 6:1692-1702. 
  20. Tang Y, Tan ST, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6 kinase 2 (ITPK2) is required for seed coat development. ActaBiochimicaetBiophysicaSinica, 2013, 45:549-560.
  21. Zhou XY, Song L, and Xue HW*. Brassinosteroids regulate the differential growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls through auxin signaling components IAA19 and ARF7. Molecular Plant, 2013, 6:887-904. 
  22. Wang J, Hu J, Qian Q, and Xue HW*. LC2 and OsVIL2 promote rice flowering by photoperoid-induced epigenetic silencing of OsLF. Molecular Plant, 2013, 6:514-527.
  23. Zhang JJ, and Xue HW*. OsLEC1/OsHAP3E participates in the determination of meristem identity in both vegetative and reproductive developments of rice. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2013, 55:232-249.
  24. Zhao SQ, Xiang JJ, and Xue HW*. Studies on the rice LEAF INCLINATION1 (LC1), an IAA-amidosynthetase, reveal the effects of auxin in leaf inclination control. Molecular Plant, 2013, 6:174-187.
  25. Xiang JJ, Zhang GH, Qian Q, and Xue HW*. SRL1 encodes a putative GPI-anchored protein and modulates rice leaf rolling by regulating the formation of bulliform cells. Plant Physiology, 2012, 159:1488-1500. 
  26. Xing MQ, and Xue HW*. A proteomics study of auxin effects in Arabidopsisthaliana. ActaBiochimicaetBiophysicaSinica, 2012, 44:783-796.
  27. Han XX, Yin LL, and Xue HW*. Co-expression analysis identifies CRC and AP1 the regulator of Arabidopsis fatty acid biosynthesis. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2012, 54:486-499.
  28. Wang Y, Chu YJ, and Xue HW*. Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase-controlled Ins(1,4,5)P3/Ca2+ is crucial for maintaining pollen dormancy and regulating early germination of pollen. Development, 2012, 139:2221-2233.
  29. Mei Y, Gao HB, Yuan M, and Xue HW*. Arabidopsis ARCP protein CSI1, which is required for microtubule stability, is necessary for root and anther development. The Plant Cell, 2012, 24:1066-1080.
  30. Yin LL, Xue HW*. MADS29 regulates the degradation of the nucellus and the nucellar projection during rice seed development. The Plant Cell, 2012, 24: 1049-1065.
  31. Xue LJ, Zhang JJ, Xue HW*. Genome-wide analysis of the complex transcriptional networks of rice developing seeds. PLoS One, 2012, 7:e31081.
  32. Mei Y, Jia WJ, Chu YJ, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis PIPK2 is involved in root gravitropism through regulating auxin polar transport by affecting the cycling of PIN proteins. Cell Research, 2012,22:581-597.
  33. Gao LL, Xue HW*. Global analysis of expression profiles of rice receptor-like kinase genes. Molecular Plant, 2012,5:143-153.
  34. Shi QM, Yang X, Song L, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis MSBP1 is activated by HY5 and HYH and is involved in photomorphogenesis and brassinosteroid sensitivity regulation. Molecular Plant, 2011,4:1092-1104.
  35. Li P, Xue HW*. Structural characterization and expression pattern analysis of the rice PLT gene family. ActaBiochimicaetBiophysicaSinica, 2011, 43:688-697.
  36. Yang X, Yang YN, Xue LJ, Zou MJ, Liu JJ, Chen F, Xue HW*. Rice ABI5-like1 regulates ABA and auxin responses by affecting the expression of ABRE-containing genes. Plant Physiology, 2011, 156:1397-1409.
  37. Wen BQ, Xing MQ, Zhang H, Dai C, Xue HW*. Rice homeobox transcription factor HOX1a positively regulates gibberellin responses by directly suppressing EL1. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2011, 53:869-878.
  38. Wu GZ, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis β-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase I (KASI) is crucial for fatty acid synthesis and plays a role in chloroplast division and embryo development. The Plant Cell, 2010, 22:3726-3744.
  39. Fu FF, Xue HW*. Co-expression analysis identifies Rice Starch Regulator1 (RSR1), a rice AP2/EREBP family transcription factor, as a novel rice starch biosynthesis regulator. Plant Physiology, 2010, 154:927-938.
  40. Zhao SQ, Hu J, Guo LB, Qian Q, Xue HW*. Rice leaf inclination 2 (LC2), a VIN3-like protein, regulates leaf angle through modulating cell division of the collar. Cell Research, 2010, 20:935-947.
  41. Dai C, Xue HW*. Rice EARLY FLOWERING1, a CKI, phosphorylates DELLA protein SLR1 to negatively regulate GA signaling. EMBO J, 2010, 29:1916-1927.
  42. Wang Y, Lin WH, Chen X, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis 5PTase13 is involved in root gravitropism through modulating vesicle trafficking. Cell Research, 2009: 19:1191-1204.
  43. Niu Y, Wu GZ, Ye R, Lin WH, Shi QM, Xue LJ, Xu XD, Li Y, Du YG, Xue HW*. Global analysis of gene expression profiles in Brassica napus developing seeds reveals a conserved lipid metabolism regulation with Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant, 2009, 2:1107-1122. 
  44. Song L, Zhou XY, Li L, Xue LJ, Yang X, Xue HW*. Genome-wide analysis revealed the complex regulatory network of brassinosteroid effects in photomorphogenesis. Molecular Plant, 2009, 2:755-772.
  45. Song L, Shi QM, Yang XH, Xu ZH, Xue HW*. Membrane steroid binding protein 1 (MSBP1) negatively regulates brassinosteroid signaling by enhancing the endocytosis of BAK1. Cell Research, 2009, 19:864-876. (Cover)
  46. Yin K, Han XX, Xu ZH, Xue HW*. Arabidopsis GLP4 is localized to the Golgi and binds auxin in vitro. ActaBiochimicaetBiophysicaSinica, 2009, 41:478-487.
  47. Chang L, Ma H, Xue HW*. Functional conservation of the meiotic genes SDS and RCK for male meiosis in the monocot rice. Cell Research, 2009, 19:768-782. 
  48. Zhang GH, Xu Q, Zhu XD, Qian Q, Xue HW*. SHALLOT-LIKE1 is a KANADI transcription factor that modulates rice leaf rolling by regulating leaf abaxial cell development. The Plant Cell, 2009, 21:719-735. (Cover)
  49. Fu F, Ye R, Xu SP, Xue HW*. Studies on rice seed quality through analyzing a large-scale T-DNA insertion population. Cell Research, 2009, 19:380-391. 
  50. Xue LJ, Zhang JJ, Xue HW*. Characterization and expression profiles of miRNAs in rice seeds. Nucleic Acids Research, 2009, 37:916-930. 
  51. Yang X, Song L, and Xue HW*. Membrane steroid binding Protein 1 (MSBP1) stimulates tropism by regulating vesicle trafficking and auxin redistribution. Molecular Plant, 2008, 1:1077-1087. 
  52. Chen X, Lin WH, Wang Y, Luan S, Xue HW*. An Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase functions in phototropin 1 signaling in Arabidopsis by altering cytosolic Ca2+. The Plant Cell, 2008, 20:353-366.
  53. Wu GZ, Shi QM, Niu Y, Xing MQ and Xue HW*. Shanghai RAPESEED Database: a resource for functional genomics studies of seed development and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica. Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, 36:D1044-D1047. 
  54. Li G, Lin F and Xue HW*. Genome-wide analysis of phospholipase D family in Oryza sativa and functional characterization of PLDβ1 in seed germination. Cell Research, 2007, 17:881-894. 
  55. Li G, and Xue HW*. Arabidopsis PLDζ2 regulates vesicle trafficking and is required for auxin response. The Plant Cell, 2007, 19:281-295.
  56. Lou Y, Gou JY, and Xue HW*. AtPIP5K9, an Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol monophosphate kinase, interacts with a cytosolic invertase to negatively regulate sugar-mediated root growth. The Plant Cell, 2007, 19:163-181. 
  57. Duan K, Li L, Hu P, Xu SP, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. A brassinolide-suppressed rice MADS-box transcription factor, OsMDP1, has a negative regulatory role in BR signaling. The Plant J, 2006, 47:519-531.
  58. Feng XL, Ni WM, Elge S, Mueller-Roeber B, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Auxin flow in anther filaments is critical for pollen grain development through regulating pollen mitosis. Plant Molecular Biology, 2006, 61:215-226.
  59. Ma H, Lou Y, Lin WH and Xue HW*. MORN motifs in plant PIPKs are involved in the regulation of subcellular localization and phospholipid binding. Cell Research, 2006, 16:466-478.
  60. Lou Y, Ma H, Lin WH, Chu ZQ, Mueller-Roeber B, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. The highly charged region of plant β-type phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase is involved in membrane targeting and phospholipid binding. Plant Molecular Biology, 2006, 60:729-746.
  61. Lin WH, Wang Y, Mueller-Roeber B, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. At5PTase13 modulates cotyledon vein development through regulating auxin homeostasis. Plant Physiology, 2005, 139: 1677-1691.
  62. Li L, Xu J, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Brassinosteroids stimulate plant tropisms through modulation of polar auxin transport in Brassica and Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2005, 17: 2738-2753.
  63. Duan K, Luo YH, Luo D, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. New insights into the complex and coordinated transcriptional regulation networks underlying rice seed development through cDNA chip-based analysis. Plant Molecular Biology, 2005, 57:785-804. 
  64. Xu J, Brearley CA, Lin WH, Wang Y, Ye R, Mueller- Roeber B, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. A role of Arabidopsis inositol polyphosphate kinase, AtIPK2α, in pollen germination and root growth. Plant Physiology, 2005, 137:94-103.
  65. Yang XH, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Arabidopsis membrane steroid-binding protein 1 (MSBP1) is involved in inhibition of cell elongation. The Plant Cell, 2005, 17:116-131. 
  66. Ma H, Xu SP, Luo D, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. OsPIPK1, a rice phosphatidylinositol monophosphate kinase, regulates rice heading by modifying the expression of floral induction genes. Plant Molecular Biology, 2004, 54:295-310. 
  67. Ye R, Yao QH, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Development of an efficient method for the isolation of factors involved in gene transcription during rice embryo development. The Plant J, 2004, 38:348-357. 
  68. Lin WH, Ye R, Ma H, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. DNA chip-based expression profile analysis indicates involvement of the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway in multiple plant responses to hormone and abiotic treatments. Cell Research, 2004, 14:45-52.(Cover)
  69. Liu W, Xu ZH, Luo D and Xue HW*. Roles of OsCKI1, a rice casein kinase I, in root development and plant hormone sensitivity.The Plant J, 2003, 36:189-202.
  70. Lin F, Xu SL, Ni WM, Chu ZQ, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Identification of ABA-responsive genes in rice shoots via cDNA macroarray. Cell Research, 2003, 13:59-68.
  71. Kong XF, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Isolation and functional characterization of the C-terminus of rice phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase in vitro. Cell Research, 2003, 13:131-139. 
  72. Zhou DX, Yin K, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Effect of polar auxin transport on rice root development. Acta Botanica Sinica. 2003, 45:1421-1427.
  73. Ni WM, Chen XY, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. A Pin gene families encoding components of auxin efflux carriers in Brassica juncea. Cell Research, 2002, 12:247-255.
  74. Ni WM, Chen XY, Xu ZH and Xue HW*. Isolation and functional analysis of a Brassica juncea gene encoding a component of auxin efflux carrier. Cell Research, 2002, 12:235-245.
  75. 胥寿玲,沈思师,许智宏,薛红卫*。通过荧光差异显示PCR法分离水稻中由ABA调节的基因。实验生物学报,2002,35:257-262。
  76. Xue HW, Hosaka H and Mueller-Roeber B. Cloning of Arabidopsisthaliana phosphatidylinositol synthase and functional expression in the yeast pis mutant. Plant Molecular Biology, 2000, 42:757-764.
  77. Xue HW, Pical C, Brearley C, Elge S, and Mueller-Roeber B. A plant 126-kDa phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase with a novel repeat structure: cloning and functional expression in baculovirus-infected insect cells. J Biological Chemistry, 1999, 274:5738-5744.
  78. 薛红卫,卫志明,许智宏。通过PEG法转化甘蓝获得转基因植株。植物学报,1997,39:28-33。
  79. Xue HW, Wei ZM and Xu ZH. Genetic transformation of Brassica oleracea by lipofectin-mediated direct plasmid uptake. Chinese Bulletin of Science. 1996, 41: 770-773.
  80. 薛红卫,卫志明,许智宏。甘蓝下胚轴原生质体高效成株系统的建立。实验生物学报,1994,27:259-269。


  1. Hu ZJ, Lu SJ, He HH, Sun L, Wang HR, Liu XH, Jiang L, Sun JL, Xin XY, Kong W, Chu C, Xue HW, Yang JS, Luo XJ, and Liu JX*. Novel QTL qTGW3 Encodes the GSK3/SHAGGY-Like Kinase OsGSK5/OsSK41 that Interacts with OsARF4 to Negatively Regulate Grain Size and Weight in Rice. Molecular Plant, 2018, 11, 736-749.
  2. Zhang YJ, Zhang Y, Zhang LJ, Huang HY, Yang BJ, Luan S, Xue HW, Lin WH*. OsGATA7 modulates brassinosteroids-mediated growth regulation and influences architecture and grain shape. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, doi:10.1111/pbi.12887.
  3. Zhang Y, Zhang YJ, Yang BJ, Yu XX, Wang D, Zu SH, Xue HW, Lin WH*. Functional characterization of GmBZL2 (AtBZR1 like gene) reveals the conserved BR signaling regulation in Glycine max. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:31134.
  4. Zhao Q, Zhang Y, Wang G, Hill L, Weng JK, Chen XY, Xue HW, Cathie Martin*. A specialized flavone biosynthetic pathway has evolved in the medicinal plant, Scutellariabaicalensis. Science Advances, 2016, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501780.
  5. Wu P, Gao HB, Zhang LL,Xue HW, and Lin WH*. Phosphatidic acid regulates BZR1 activity and brassinosteroid signal of Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 2013, 7: 445-447. 
  6. Zhang J. Vanneste S, Brewer P, Michniewicz M, Grones P, Kleine-Vehn J, Loefke C, Teichmann T, Bielach A, Cannoot B, Hoyerova K, Chen X, Xue HW, Benkova E, Zazımalova Z, Friml J*. Inositol trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ signaling modulates auxin transport and PIN polarity. Developmental Cell, 2011, 20:855-866.
  7. Gao XC, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Ji SM, Wang HM, Su X, Guo CC, Kong HZ, Xue HW, Zhang DB*. The SEPALLATA-like gene OsMADS34 is required for rice inflorescence and spikelet development. Plant Physiology, 2010, 153:728-740. 
  8. Yang HX, Liu H, Li G, Feng JJ, Qin HJ, Liu X,Xue HW, Wang DW*. Reduction of root flavonoid level and its potential involvement in lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis thaliana grown under low phosphate supply. Functional Plant Biology, 2009, 36: 564-573.
  9. Mancuso S, Marras AM, Mugnai S, Schlicht M, Žársky V, Li G, Song L, Xue HW and Baluška F*. Phospholipase Dζ2 drives vesicular secretion of auxin for its polar cell-cell transport in the transition zone of the root apex. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2007, 4:240-244. 
  10. Xu J, Zhang HY, Xie CH, Xue HW, Dijkhuis P and Liu CM*. EMBRYONIC FACTOR 1 encodes an AMP deaminase and is essential for the zygote to embryo transition in Arabidopsis. The Plant J, 2005, 42:743-758.
  11. Wang JW, Wang LJ, Mao YB, Cai WJ, Xue HW and Chen XY*. Control of root cap formation by microRNA-targeted auxin response factors in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2005, 17:2204-2216. 
  12. Elge S, Brearley C, Xia HJ, Kehr J, Xue HW and Mueller-Roeber B*. An Arabidopsis inositol phospholipid kinase strongly expressed in procambial cells, synthesis of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 in insect cells by 5-phosphorylation of precursors.The Plant J, 2001, 26:561-571.
  13. 卫志明,黄健秋,徐淑平,薛红卫等。甘蓝下胚轴的高效再生和农杆菌介导B.t.基因转化甘蓝。上海农业学报,1998,14:11-18。


  1. Yao HY, Xue HW*. Phosphatidic acid (PA) plays key roles regulating plant development and stress responses. J Integrative Plant Biology, 2018, 10.1111/jipb.12663
  2. 刘春明,程佑发,刘永秀,孙蒙祥,薛红卫*。植物种子发育的分子机理。中国基础科学,2016,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-2412.2016.02.001。
  3. 薛红卫,谭树堂,晏萌。植物中的蛋白磷酸化。In: 新生物学年鉴2014 (主编:蒲慕明)。科学出版社,2014年,24-76页。
  4. Zhou SR, Yin LL, Xue HW*. Functional genomics based understanding of rice endosperm development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2013, 16:236-246.
  5. 周晓艺,薛红卫*. 生长素与油菜素甾醇相互作用机制的研究进展。中国科学: 生命科学,2013,43:1047-1053。
  6. Yao HY, Xue HW*. Signals and mechanisms affecting vesicular trafficking during root growth. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2011, 14:571-579.
  7. Xue HW*, Chen X, Mei Y. Function and regulation of phospholipid signaling in plants. Biochemical J, 2009, 421:145-156. 
  8. Xue HW*, Chen X, Li G. Involvement of phospholipid signaling in plant growth and hormone effects. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2007, 10:483-489. 
  9. 储昭庆,李李,宋丽,薛红卫*。油菜素内酯生物合成与功能的研究进展。植物学通报,2006,23:543-555。
  10. 宋丽,李李,储昭庆,薛红卫*。拟南芥油菜素内酯信号转导研究进展。植物学通报,2006,23:556-563。
  11. 林芳,许智宏,薛红卫*。植物信号传导中的磷脂酶。植物学报,2001,43:991-1002。
  12. 倪为民,陈晓亚,许智宏,薛红卫*。生长素极性运输研究进展。植物学报,2000,42:221-228。
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  1. 陈晓亚,薛红卫。植物生理和分子生物学(第四版)。高等教育出版社,2012。
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