
     史贤明  教授    

     崔妍  周秀娟  何守魁



       1. 食源性致病菌快速检测与精准分析技术

2. 食源性致病菌应答逆境的分子机制

3. 食品生产供应链中高效杀菌原理与技术


1. 主要科研项目:

(1) 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项,2019YFE0119700,基于基因组的耐药沙门氏菌智能检测系统的构建及其在中美间传播风险的评估,2020/12-2023/11,370万元,主持人:史贤明

(2) 国家自然基金科学基金面上项目,32172316,小RNA DsrA介导鼠伤寒沙门氏菌形成过氧化氢抗性的分子机制,2022/01-2025/12,58万元,主持人:史贤明

(3) 国家自然基金科学基金面上项目,32072320,IncFⅡs型质粒介导的肠炎沙门氏菌耐药与毒力基因杂合转移的分子特征与风险分析,2021/01-2024/12,58万元,主持人:周秀娟

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,32001797,冷休克蛋白CspA调控肠炎沙门氏菌乙醇抗性形成的分子机制,2021/01-2023/12,24万元,主持人:何守魁

(5) 上海市科学技术委员会,上海市“科技创新行动计划”农业领域项目,19391902100,即食蔬菜中主要食源性致病菌量子点快速检测芯片的研发,2019/11-2022/10,60万元,主持人:史贤明

(6) 国家重点研发计划“食品安全关键技术研发”专项,2017YFC1601200,基于组学的食源性致病微生物快速高通量检测技术与装备研发——沙门氏菌与金黄色葡萄球菌分子溯源数据库的构建,2018/01-2021/12,61万元,子课题主持人:周秀娟

(7) 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,2016YFE0106100,食源性致病微生物快速检测与精准分析技术的研发及应用,2016/12-2019/11,385.2万元,主持人:史贤明

(8) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,31230058,鸡蛋贮藏过程中肠炎沙门氏菌生存与增殖的抗逆分子机制,2013/01-2017/12,295万元,主持人:史贤明

(9) 国家863项目,2012AA101601,食品中有害微生物精确检测与快速分型技术,2012/01-2015/12,771万元,主持人:史贤明

(10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31171690,单核细胞增生李斯特菌超氧化物歧化酶基因对氧胁迫的反应机制,2012/01-2015/12,55万元,主持人:史贤明

2. 成果专利与奖励:



(1) 2019年,中国食品科学技术学会突出贡献奖

(2) 2016年,国际食品科学院(IAFoST)院士(Fellow)

(3) 2013年,国际食品科学认证委员会授予的“Certified Food Scientist”

(4) 2013年,中国食品科技学会优秀论文一等奖

(5) 2011年,中国食品科技学会优秀论文一等奖

(6) 2011年,《科学中国人》第三期封面人物

(7) 2010年,正规网赌十大排行网址“十佳导师”

(8) 2008年,中国科协抗震救灾先进个人

(9) 2007年,上海市优秀学科带头人

(10) 2007年,中国食品科技学会优秀论文一等奖

3. 代表性论著:

(1) He, S., Qin, X., Wong, C., Shi, C., Wang, S*, Shi, X*. Ethanol adaptation strategies in Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis revealed by global proteomic and mutagenic analyses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 85: e01107-19.

(2) Huang, X., Zhou, X., Jia, B., Li, N., Jia, J., He, M., He, Y., Qin, X., Cui, Y., Shi, C., Liu, Y., Shi, X*. Transcriptional sequencing uncovers survival mechanisms of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in antibacterial egg white. mSphere, 2019, 4: e00700-18.

(3) Qin, X., He, S., Zhou, X., Cheng, X., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Cui, Y., Shi, C., Shi, X*. Quantitative proteomics reveals the crucial role of YbgC for Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis survival in egg white. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2019, 289: 115-126.

(4) Zhang, Z., Liu, D., Bai, Y., Cui, Y., Wang, D., Shi, X*. Identification and characterization of two high affinity aptamers specific for Salmonella Enteritidis. Food Control, 2019, 106: 106719.

(5) Huang, X., Hu, M., Zhou, X., Liu, Y., Shi, C., Shi, X*. Role of yoaE gene regulated by CpxR in the survival of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in antibacterial egg white. mSphere, 2020, 5: 1-10.

(6) Zhang, Z., Yang, J., Xu, X., Zhou, X., Shi, C., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., Shi, X*. Co-existence of mphA, oqxAB and blaCTX-M-65 on the IncHI2 Plasmid in highly drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Indiana ST17 isolated from retail foods and humans in China. Food Control, 2020: 107269.

(7) Qin, X., Dong, R., He, S., Zhou, X., Zhang, Z., Cui, Y., Shi, C., Liu,Y., Shi, X*. Characterization of the role of ybgC in lysozyme resistance of Salmonella Enteritidis. Food Control, 2020, 109: 106732.

(8) Yang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Cui, Y., Shi, C., Shi, X*. Prevalence and characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella enterica isolates from retail foods in Shanghai, China. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2020, 17(1), 35-43.

(9) Zhou, X., Liu, B, Liu,Y., Shi, C., Fratamico, P., Zhang, L., Wang, D., Zhang, J., Cui, Y., Xu, P., Shi, X*. Two homologous Salmonella serogroup C1-specific genes are required for flagellar motility and cell invasion. BMC Genomics, 2021, 22: 507.

(10) He, S., Fong, K., Wang, S.*, Shi, X*. Ethanol adaptation in foodborne bacterial pathogens. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021, 61(5): 777-787.

(11) He, S., Shi, X*. Microbial food safety in China: past, present, and future. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2021, 18(8): 510-518.

(12) Zhang, Z., He, S., Xu, X., Chang, J., Zhan, Z., Cui, Y., Shi, C., Shi, X*. Antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Indiana from foods, patients, and environments in China during 2007–2016. Food Control, 2021:108427.

(13) Zhang, Z., Chang, J., Xu, X., Zhou, M., Shi, C., Liu, Y., Shi, X*. Dissemination of IncFII plasmids carrying fosA3 and blaCTX-M-55 in clinical isolates of Salmonella Enteritidis. Zoonoses and Public Health, 2021, 00: 1-9.

(14) Zhu, J., Zhang, D., Zhou, X., Cui, Y., Jiao, S., Shi, X*. Development of a pasteurization method based on radio frequency heating to ensure microbiological safety of liquid egg. Food Control, 2021, 123, 107035

(15) Li, C., Zhang, Z., Xu, X., He, S., Zhao, X., Cui, Y., Zhou, X., Shi, C., Liu, Y., Zhou, M., Shi, X*. Molecular characterization of cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella Enteritidis ST11 isolates carrying blaCTX-M from children with diarrhea. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2021, 10(18):702-711.

(16) Dong, R., Qin, X., He, S., Zhou, X., Cui, Y., Shi, C., He, Y., Shi, X*. DsrA confers resistance to oxidative stress in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Food Control, 2021: 107571.

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