
殷  杉

(1) 城市生态系统长期定位观测及生态系统服务
(2) 城市森林与人居环境健康
(3) 生物地球化学循环及模型应用
电子信箱: yinshan at sjtu.edu.cn



殷杉,教授,城市生态与长期观测研究组负责人(PI),博士生导师,正规网赌十大排行网址教学发展中心副主任(挂职)、十大网赌信誉官网排名院长助理、资源与环境系系主任,上海市东方英才(东方学者)。于20072011年在正规网赌十大排行网址分获硕士(环境工程)和博士(环境科学)学位,曾赴美国加州大学伯克利分校进行联合培养,2012年起在十大网赌信誉官网排名工作。近年来承担国家自然科学基金3项、国家重点研发(子课题)2项、上海市自然科学基金、绿化市容局、生态环境局等项目,发表研究论文八十余篇,其中第一和通讯作者49篇,获国家发明专利和软件著作权授权12项,获得上海市科技进步一等奖(2018)、上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖著作类一等奖(2022)。担任国家林草局上海城市森林生态站站长,科技部长三角生态环境国家野外科学观测研究站常务副站长,中国林学会城市森林分会理事,上海市生态学学会青年委员会主任,Urban Forestry & Urban GreeningFrontiers in Ecology and EvolutionLandscape Architecture Frontiers中国城市林业等期刊编委,上海市一流本科课程《全球变化下的自然和生态》负责人。获得正规网赌十大排行网址教书育人奖、第八届凯原十佳教师、烛光奖一等奖、青年岗位能手、十佳班主任等奖励。主讲课程:土壤与植物营养学、全球变化生态学等。




  1. Yan Jingli, Chen Wendy Y., Zhang Zixiao, Zhao Wenxing, Liu Min, Yin Shan*.Mitigating PM2.5 exposure with vegetation barrier and building designs in urban open-road environments based on numerical simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2024.
  2. Chen Dele, Xiao Hua-Yun, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Leaf-deposited particles: Single-particle mass spectral signatures and comparison with naturally fallen particles. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2024.
  3. Yan Jingli, Sun Ningxiao, Zheng Ji, Zhang Yuanyuan, Yin Shan *. Uneven PM2.5 dispersion pattern across an open-road vegetation barrier: Effects of planting combination and wind condition. Science of the Total Environment,2024.
  4. Ma Fangzhou, Zhang Wenwen, Yan Jingli, Zhang Tian, Lu Ningxin, Yao Miaoling, Zhang Tai, Zheng Ji*, Yin Shan*. Early advantage for carbon sequestration of monocultures and greater long-term carbon sink potential of broadleaf mixed forests: 20-year evidence from the Shanghai Green Belt. Ecological Indicators, 2024.
  5. Yin Shan, Chen Y. Wendy*, Liu Chunjiang*. Urban forests as a strategy for transforming towards healthy cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2023.
  6. Zheng Ji, Han Yujie, Sun Ningxiao, Ye Yize, Yan Jingli, Zhang Wenwen and Yin Shan*.  Intra-annual carbon fluxes and resource use efficiency of subtropical urban forests: insights from Chongming Island ecological observatory. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2023.
  7. Long Yuchong, Zhang Wenwen, Sun Ningxiao, Zhu Penghua, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Sequential Interaction of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and SOAs in Urban Forests Revealed Using Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering and Causal Inference. Forests 2023.
  8. Zheng Ji, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Decoupling between carbon source and sink induced by responses of daily stem growth to water availability in subtropical urban forests. Science of the Total Environment,2023.
  9. Lyu Junyao, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli, Shen Guangrong, Yin Shan*. Coagulation effect of atmospheric submicron particles on plant leaves: Key functional characteristics and a comparison with dry deposition. Science of the Total Environment,2023.
  10. Yin Shan, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli*. Review on the multi-scale interactions of urban forests and atmospheric particles: affecting factors are scale-dependent among tree, stand and region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2022.
  11. Chen Dele, Yin Shan*, Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zhang Yiran, Zhu Yanhua, Yan Jingli. A high-resolution study of PM2.5 accumulation inside leaves in leaf stomata compared with non-stomatal areas using three-dimensional X-ray microscopy. Science of the Total Environment, 2022.
  12. Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Chen Y. Wendy, Chen Dele, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Quantifying the capacity of tree branches for retaining airborne submicron particles. Environmental Pollution, 2022.
  13. Du Baoming, Ji Huawei, Liu Shirong, Kang Hongzhang, Yin Shan*, Liu Chunjiang*. Nutrient resorption strategies of three oak tree species in response to interannual climate variability. Forest Ecosystems,2022.
  14. Yin Shan*, Tian Lu, Ma Yingge, Tan Haoxin, Xu Lurong, Sun Ningxiao, Meng Hengyu, Liu Chunjiang. Sources and sinks evaluation of PAHs in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora in megacity: from the perspective of land-use types. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.
  15. Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zeng Yuxiao, Sun Ningxiao, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Individual effects of trichomes and leaf morphology on PM2.5 dry deposition velocity: A variable-control approach using species from the same family or genus. Environmental Pollution, 2021.
  16. Lyu Junyao, Yin Shan*, Shang ChenCheng, Ma Yingge, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Sensitivity analysis of isoprene and aerosol emission in a suburban plantation using long short-term memory model. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021.
  17. Zhang Xuyi, Yin Shan*, Lyu Junyao, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Indirect method for determining the dry deposition velocity of submicron particulate matter on leaves. Atmospheric Environment, 2021.
  18. Lyu Junyao, Xiong Feng, Sun Ningxiao, Li Yiheng, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Photosynthesis and related physiological parameters differences affected the isoprene emission rate among 10 typical tree species in Subtropical metropolises. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(3):954.
  19. Yin Shan, Lyu Junyao, Zhang Xuyi, Han Yujie, Zhu Yanhua, Sun Ningxiao, Sun Wen, Liu Chunjiang*, Coagulation effect of aero submicron particles on plant leaves: Measuring methods and potential mechanisms. Environmental Pollution, 2020.
  20. Yin Shan*, Tan Haoxin, Hui Nan, Ma Yingge, Tian Lu, Sun Ningxiao, Liu Chunjiang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora along the urban–rural gradient of a megacity: Distribution varies in concentration and potential toxicity. Science of the Total Environment,2020.
  21. Yin Shan, Zhang Xianxian, Lyu Junyao, Zhi Yuee, Chen Feng, Wang Longqin, Liu Chunjiang*, Zhou Sheng*. Carbon sequestration and emissions mitigation in paddy fields based on the DNDC model: A review. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2020.
  22. Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Han Yujie, Sun Ningxiao, Sun Wen, Li Jinman, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Effects of the Leaf Functional Traits of Coniferous and Broadleaved Trees in Subtropical Monsoon Regions on PM2.5 Dry Deposition Velocities. Environmental Pollution, 2020.
  23. Luo Linghao, Sun Wen, Han Yujie, Zhang Wenwen, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Importance Evaluation Based on Random Forest Algorithms: Insights into the Relationship between Negative Air Ions Variability and Environmental Factors in Urban Green Spaces. Atmosphere, 2020.
  24. Yin Shan, Zhang Xuyi, Yu Annie, Sun Ningxiao, Lyu Junyao, Zhu Penghua, Liu Chunjiang*. Determining PM2.5 Dry Deposition Velocity on Plant Leaves: An Indirect Experimental Method. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019.
  25. Tian Lu, Yin Shan*, Ma Yingge, Kang Hongzhang, Zhang Xuyi, Tan Haoxin, Meng Hengyu, Liu Chunjiang. Impact factor assessment of the uptake and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by plant leaves: Morphological characteristics have the greatest impact. Science of the Total Environment, 2019.


城市生态与长期观测研究组 招聘启事(长期有效)



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