
周  鹏

职       位:副研究员
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科研项目中,基础研究方面主持过国家自然基金面上项目2项(No 31272198,31872419),承担“十三五”国家科技部重大专项“中国南方草地牧草资源调查”(2017FY100600)中的子课题“上海及浙江部分地区草地牧草资源调查”;在农业推广应用方面,主要从事草畜一体化技术、农林复合生态系统等研究,主持了上海市绿化局科学技术项目1项(编号G162411),参与“十二五”国家科技支撑项目“优质牧草资源开发与多元化草产品加工利用关键技术研究与集成示范(2011BAD17B02),并负责 “南方林-草-畜一体化及草田轮作技术研究与示范”子课题研究,参与上海市农委科技攻关项目“郊区林下种养模式构建关键技术研究与示范(沪农科攻字(2013)第5-10号)”项目,负责“林下种草养鸡关键技术研究与示范”子课题研究。承担的总科研经费达到230余万。

学术方面是国家自然科学基金委评审专家,是《Environmental and Experimental Botany》、《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》、《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》等多个SCI期刊审稿人。发表学术论文50余篇,其中,SCI收录论文26篇,获得国家发明专利授权6项; 教学方面主讲本科生基础课程《普通生物学》和博士研究生课程《植物分子生理》。


代表论文(*Corresponding author):

  1. Liu, S., Mo, X., Sun, L., Gao, L., Su, L., An, Y., & Zhou, P. * (2023). MsDjB4, a HSP40 Chaperone in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Improves Alfalfa Hairy Root Tolerance to Aluminum Stress. Plants, 12(15), 2808.
  2. Lv, A., Su, L., Fan, N., Wen, W., Wang, Z., Zhou, P., & An, Y. * (2023). Chloroplast-targeted Late embryogenesis abundant 1 increases alfalfa tolerance to drought and aluminum. Plant Physiology, kiad477.
  3. Zhang, Y., Fan, N., Wen, W., Liu, S., Mo, X., An, Y., & Zhou, P. * (2022). Genome− wide identification and analysis of LEA_2 gene family in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under aluminum stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 976160.
  4. Lv, A., Wen, W., Fan, N., Su, L., Zhou, P., & An Y. * (2021). Dehydrin MsDHN1 improves aluminum tolerance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) by affecting oxalate exudation from root tips, The Plant Journal, 108(2): 441-458
  5. Cheng X, Fang T, Zhao E, Zheng B, Huang B, An Y*, Zhou P*. (2020). Protective roles of salicylic acid in maintaining integrity and functions of photosynthetic photosystems for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) tolerance to aluminum toxicity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
  6. Lv A, Su L, Liu X, Xing Q, Huang B, An Y*, Zhou P*. (2018). Characterization of Dehydrin protein, CdDHN4-L and CdDHN4-S, and their differential protective roles against abiotic stress in vitro. BMC plant biology, 18(1), 299. 
  7. Lv A, Fan N, Xie J, Yuan S, An Y*, Zhou P*. (2017). Expression of CdDHN4, a novel YSK2-type Dehydrin gene from Bermudagrass, responses to drought stress through ABA-dependent signal pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 748. 
  8. Zhou P, Su L, Lv A, Wang S, Huang B, An Y*. (2016). Gene Expression Analysis of Alfalfa Seedlings Response to Acid-Aluminum. International Journal of Genomics, 2016.
  9. Wang S, Ren X, Huang B, Wang G, Zhou P*, An Y*. (2016). Aluminium-induced reduction of plant growth in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is mediated by interrupting auxin transport and accumulation in roots. Scientific Reports 07/2016; 6. DOI:10.1038/srep30079.
  10. Zhou P, Yang F, Ren X, Huang B, An Y*. (2014). Phytotoxicity of aluminum on root growth and indole-3-acetic acid accumulation and transport in alfalfa roots. Environmental and experimental botany, 104, 1-8.

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