

职      称:长聘教授



电        话:021-34205775




赵凌侠,男,1966 年生,博士;正规网赌十大排行网址长聘教授,博士生导师;美 国康奈尔大学唐氏学者。科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金6项,国家“863” 重大专项1项;参加国家“863”重大专项2项,国家转基因重大专项1项,国 家重点研发项目1项;主持上海市重点基础研究项目1项,重大科技攻关项目1 项,科技支撑项目2项。学术论文:在Journal of Experimental Botany,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Theor Appl Genet,BMC Plant Biology,Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Science, Nature Chemical Biology,the Plant Cell, Plant Phisiology, the Palnt Journal 等发表学术论文 90 余篇。专著:编著《番茄野生资源》 和《番茄传家宝资源图鉴》各1部,副主编《基因工程原理与技术》1部、参编 《分子生物学》和《番茄遗传育种研究》2部。发明专利:国家发明专利授权5 项;培育番茄新品种3个。人才培养:博士后4名;博士生5名,在读6名;硕 士生12名;本科生毕业论文5名。



1997.09–2000.06, 东北农业大学, 遗传学, 博士, 导师: 李景富

1987.09–1990.06, 东北农业大学, 蔬菜学, 硕士, 导师: 李盛萱

1983.09–1987.06, 东北农业大学, 蔬菜学, 学士, 导师: 秦智伟


2023.07-今, 正规网赌十大排行网址, 植物科学系, 长聘教授

2013.04-2023.06, 正规网赌十大排行网址, 植物科学系, 教授

2011.11-2013.03, 美国康奈尔大学, 植物生物学, 唐氏学者教授

2009.12-2011.10, 正规网赌十大排行网址, 植物科学系, 研究员

2009.4-2009.11, 美国康奈尔大学, 植物生物学, 客座教授

2008.12-2009.03, 正规网赌十大排行网址, 植物科学系, 研究员

2002.08-2008.11, 正规网赌十大排行网址, 植物科学系, 副教授

2000.08-2002.08, 复旦大学生物学流动站, 博士后

1990.07-1997.08, 哈尔滨市农业科学院, 植物育种, 助研、副研



1. 番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)品质形成分子基础

2. 番茄种质资源(野生种、突变体库和传家宝)创制、鉴定和评价



[1] 解析YFT5(YELLOW-FRUITED TOMATO 5)调控番茄果色形成分子机制(批准 号:32372694)(2024.01-2027.12, RMB50 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[2] 番茄YFT3(YELLOW-FRUITED TOMATO 3)基因在果色发育过程中遗传功能解析(批 准号:32072583)(2021.01-2024.12, RMB58 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[3] YFT1(YELLOW FRUIT TOMATO 1)基因调控番茄果实成熟变软分子机制研究(批准 号:31872112)(2019.01-2022.12, RMB60 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[4] 番茄YFT1基因在乙烯-类胡萝卜素果色形成途径中的表达和功能分析(批准号:31672158) (2017.01-2020.12, RMB65 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[5] 番茄果皮角质相关基因 CD 克隆及功能分析(批准号:31071810)(2011.01-2013.12, RMB33 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[6] E8 启动子果实特异表达元件定位及杂交启动子功能研究(批准号:30871722) (2009.01-2009.12, RMB8 万元),国家自然基金(面上),项目负责人。

[7] 番茄(S. lycopersicum)种质资源创新与利用(批准号:2016YD0100204-28) (2016.01-2020.12, RMB 42万元),科技部,国家重点研发计划,子项目负责人(Co-IP)

[8] 降钙素与生长因子等植物生物反应器研制(批准号:2007AA100503)(2007.08-2010.10, RMB 761万元), 科技部,生物反应器重大专项(863),项目负责人。

[9] 口服药用蛋白番茄果实反应器研制(批准号:2011AA10060706)(2011.01-2015.12, RMB 140 万元 to Zhao LX),科技部,国家重点y同技术研发计划(863),子项目负责人(Co-IP)。

[10] 鲑鱼降钙素植物生物反应器研制(批准号:2002AA206511)(2002.01-2005.12, RMB 140 万 to Zhao LX),国家高技术研发计划(863),子项目负责人(Co-IP)

[11] 优质小番茄生产技术体系构建及在上海示范(批准号:19391904100)(2019.11-2022.10, RMB 25万元),上海科委,科技攻关重点项目,项目负责人。

[12] 番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)果色形成分子机制(批准号:14JC403400)(2014.08-2017.09, RMB 50 万元),上海科委,基础重点项目,项目负责人。

[13] 番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)原创性种质创制与新品种培育(批准号:16391900900) (2016.09-2019.09, RMB 60 万元),上海科委,科技攻关重点项目,项目负责人。

[14] 用植物生物反应器生产胸腺素α1(批准号:03DZ19310)(2003.08-2006.12, RMB 100万元), 上海科委,科技攻关重点项目,项目负责人。




[1] Naeem M, Han R, Ahmad N, Zhao WH, Zhao LX. Tobacco as green bioreactor for therapeutic protein production: latest breakthroughs and optimization strategies. Plant Growth Regulation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-023-01106-w

[2] Zhao WH, Wang S, Li WZ, Shan XM, Naeem MM, Zhang LD, Zhao LX.The Transcript Factor EMB1444-like affects tomato fruit ripening by regulating YELLOW-FRUITED TOMATO 1, a core component of ethylene signaling transduction. Journal of Experimental Botany,2023, 74(21):6563–6574, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erad314

[3] Naeem M,Zhao WH,Ahmad N,Zhao LX. Beyond green and red: unlocking the genetic orchestration of tomato fruit color and pigmentation. Functional & Integrative Genomics (2023) 23:243,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10142-023-01162-5

[4] Li W Z, Li Y H, Liang Y N, Ni L L, Huang H F, Wei Y S, Wang M C, Zhang L D, Zhao LX* . Generating novel tomato germplasm using the ancestral wild relative of Solanum pimpinellifolium. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 34. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9010034

[5] Chen LL, Li YH, Wang YT, Li WZ, Feng XC and Zhao LX†.Use of high resolution spatiotemporal gene expression data to uncover novel tissue-specific promoters in tomato. MDPI(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) Agriculture 2021, 11, 1195. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11121195

[6] Zheng CJ, Liu Y, Sun FN, Zhao LX and Zhang LD. Predicting protein–protein interactions between rice and blast fungus using structure-based approaches. Front. Plant Sci. 12:690124 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.690124

[7] Zhao WH, Li YH, Fan SZ, Wen TJ, Wang MH, Zhang LD, Zhao LX†. The tomato WRKY32 transcription factor affects ripe fruit color by regulating YFT1, a core component of ethylene signal transduction. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021 , 72(12) : 4269-4282, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab113, 28 May 2021

[8] Zhao WH, Gao L, Li YH, Wang MH, Zhang LD, Zhao LX†. Yellow-fruited phenotype is caused by 573 bp insertion at 5’ UTR of YFT1 allele in yft1 mutant tomato. Plant Science, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110637

[9] Chen LL, Li WZ, Li YP, Feng XC, Du KY, Wang G, Zhao LX†. Identified trans‑splicing of YELLOW‑FRUITED TOMATO 2 encoding the PHYTOENE SYNTHASE 1 protein alters fruit color by map‑based cloning, functional complementation and RACE. Plant Molecular Biology, 2019,100,647-658, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-019-00886-y

[10] Li L, Zhao WH, Feng XC, Chen LL, Zhang LD, and Zhao LX†. Changes in fruit firmness, cell wall composition, and transcriptional profile in the yellow fruit tomato 1 (yft1) mutant. Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2019,67:463-472, DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b04611

[11] Wang MH, Zhao WH, Gao L, Zhao LX†. Genome-wide profiling of long non-coding RNAs from tomato and a comparison with mRNAs associated with the regulation of fruit ripening. BMC Plant Biology, 2018(18):75, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-018-1300-y

[12] Liu S, Liu Y, Zhao J, Cai S, Qian H, Zuo K, Zhao L, Zhang L. A computational interactome for prioritizing genes associated with complex agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Journal, 2017, 90:177-188. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13475

[13] Wang YT, Li WZ, Lu C, Fan SZ, Fu CB, Chen MS, Zhao LX†. Evaluation of cultivated tomato germplasm resources. Pakistan Journal Botany, 2017,49(5): 1857-1865

[14] Zhao P F, Pan Q F, Yu W J, Zhao LX†. Dissect style response to pollination using metabolite profiling in selfcompatible and self-incompatible tomato species, Journal of Chromatography B, 2016, 1017: 153-162, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.01. 056 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.01.056

[15] Zhang F Y, Liu SW, Li L, Zuo KJ, Zhao LX, Zhang LD. Genome-wide inference of protein interaction network and its application to the study of crosstalk in Arabidopsis abscisic acid signaling. Plant Physiology, 2016, 171(2):1511-1522. DOI:10.1104/pp.16.00057

[16] Gao L, Zhao WH, Qu HO, Wang MH, Zhang LD,Wang QS, Zhao LX*. The yellow fruited tomato 1 (yft1) mutant has altered fruit carotenoid accumulation and reduced ethylene production as a result of a genetic lesion in ETHYLENE INTENSITIVE2.Theor Appl Genet,2016, 129(4):717-728,DOI: 10.1007/s00122-015-2660-4

[17] Zhao PF, Wang M, Zhao LX†. Dissecting stylar responses to self-pollination in wild tomato selfcompatible and self-incompatible species using comparative proteomics. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016,106 :177-186

[18] Janarthini R, Wang X L, Chen L L, Gao L, Zhao LX†. A tobacco-derived thymosin 𝛽4 concatemer promotes cell proliferation and wound healing in mice. BioMed Research International Volume 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/1973413 Article ID 1973413, 8 pages,

[19] QU H, Rylosona J S, Zhao LX†. Cytological observation of Solanum pimpinellifolium microspore development. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2015, 47(4): 1459-1465.

[20] Zhao PF, Zhang LD, Zhao LX†. Dissection of the style's response to pollination using transcriptome profiling in self-compatible (Solanum pimpinellifolium) and self-incompatible (Solanum chilense) tomato species. BMC plant biology,2015,15:119(2015-04-10) ,DOI 10.1186/s12870-015-0492-7

[21] Gao MF, Peng HZ, Li SS, Wang XL, Gao L, Wang MH, Zhao PF, Zhao LX†. Insight into flower diversity in Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum chilense using comparative biological approaches. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2015, 95(3):467-478.

[22] Gao M, Qu H, Gao L, Chen L, Sebastian R S J, Zhao L†. Dissecting the mechanism of Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum chilense flower colour formation. Plant Biology, 2015,17:1-8, doi:10.1111/plb.12186

[23] Buda G J, Barnes W J, Fich E A, Park S, Yeats T, Zhao L, Domozych D S and Rose J K C. An ABCG transporter is required for cuticular wax deposition and desiccation tolerance in the moss Physcomitrella patens. The Plant Cell, 2013,25:4000-4013

[24] Wang X L, Yang G H, Li SS, Gao MF, Zhao P F, Zhao LX† .The Escherichia coli-derived thymosin β 4 concatemer promotes cell proliferation and healing wound in mice. BioMed Research International, 2013, Article ID 241721, 7 pages (Accepted 17 April, in press) http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/241721

[25] Yeats T H, Martin L B B, Viart H M F, Isaacson T, He Y H, Zhao L X, Matas A J, Buda G J, Domozych D S, Clausen M H, Rose J K C. The identification of cutin synthase: formation of the plant polyester cutin. Nature Chemistry Biology,2012,8:609-611

[26] Cui L J, Peng H Z, Zhang R, Chen Y H, Zhao LX† and Tang KX†.The hHscFv-RCR derived from transgenic tobacco acts as a bifunctional molecular complex against Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biotechnol Appl Biochem.2012,49(1):51-56

[27] Ren W W , Zhao LX, Wang YL, Cui LJ, Tang YL, Sun XF and Tang KX. Overexpression of homogentisate phytyltransferase in lettuce results in increased content of Vitamin E. Afr J Biotechnol 2012,10(64):14046-14051

[28] Ren W W , Zhao LX, Zhang LD, Wang YL, Cui LJ, Tang YL, Sun XF and Tang KX. Molecular cloning and characterization of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase gene from Lactuca sativa. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011,168(10): 1076-1083

[29] Ren W, Zhao L, Zhang L, Wang Y, Cui L, Tang Y, Sun X, Tang K. Molecular analysis of a homogentisate phytyltransferase gene from Lactuca sativa L. Molecular Biology Reporter. 2011, 38(3):1813-1819

[30] Cui L J, Chen YH, Shen G A, Zhao L X†, Tang KX†. Expression of Bioactive Thymosin Alpha 1 (Tα1) in Marker-free Transgenic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2011, 29:466–472

[31] ZhaoL X, Lu L Y , Zhang L D , Wang A X, Wang N, Liang Z B, Lu X W and Tang K X. Molecular evolution of the E8 promoter in tomato and some of its relative wild species. Journal of Biosciences, 2009, 34:71–83

[32] Chen Y H, Wang A X, Zhao L X†, Shen G A, Cui L J and Tang K X. Expression of thymosin α1 concatemer in transgenic tomato fruits. Biotechnol Appl Biochem.2009, 2009, 52:303–312

[33] Chen Y H, Zhao L X, Shen G A, Cui L J, Ren W W, Zhang H, Qian H M, Tang K X. Expression and analysis of Thymosin alpha 1 concatemer in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Appl Biochem.2008,49(1):51-56

[34] Zhang H, Zhao L X, Chen Y H, Cui L J, Ren W W, Tang K X. Expression of human coagulation factor IX in transgenic tomato. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2007,48(2):101-107

[35] Kai G Y, Miao Z Q, Zhang L, Zhao D, Liao Z H, Sun X F, Zhao L X† , Tang K X. Molecular cloning and expression analyses of a new gene encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase from Taxus media. Biologia Plantarum, 2006, 50 (3): 359–366

[36] Shen G A, Pang Y Z, Wu W S, Liao Z H, Zhao L X, Sun X F, Tang K X. Cloning and characterizations of a root-specific expressing gene encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase from Ginkgo biloba. Mol Biol Rep, 2006, 33:117-127

[37] Zhao L X,Li J F,Chai Y R,Kai G Y,Cao Y F,Sun X F, Tang K X. Investigation on genetic relationship and cross compatibility of S. lycopersiocides and Lycopersicon. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2006, 9(6):1160–1168

[38] Shen G A, Pang Y Z, Wu W S, Liu X J, Zhao L X, Sun X F, Tang K X. Isolation and characterization of a putative anthocyanidin reductase gene from Ginkgo biloba. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2006,163: 224-227

[39] Kai GY, Zhao L X, Zhang L, Li Z G, Guo B H, Zhao D L, Sun X F, Miao Z Q, Tang K X. Characterization and expression profile analysis of a new cDNA encoding taxadiene synthase from Taxus media. Joural of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2005, 38(6):668-675

[40] Li Z G*, Zhao L X*, Cui C S,Kai G Y ,Zhang L D,Sun X F, Tang K X. Molecular cloning and characterization of an anti-bolting related gene (BcpFLC3) from Brassica campestris ssp.Pekinensis. Plant science, 2005,168:407–413(* These authors contributed equally to this work)

[41] Shen G A, Pang Y Z, Wu W S, Miao Z Q, Qian H M, Zhao L X, Cao Y F, Sun X F, Tang K X. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of a novel jasmonate-dependent defensin gene from Ginkgo biloba. Jpurnal of Plant Physiology. 2005,162 :1160-1168

[42] Shen G A, Pang Y Z, Wu W S, Deng Z X, Liu X F, Lin J, Zhao L X , Sun X F, Tang K X. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of a novel Asr gene from Ginkgo biloba. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2005, 43: 836–843

[43] Tang D Q, Qian H M, Zhao L X, Huang D F, Tang K X. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing BoRS1 gene from Brassica oleracea var. acephala show enhanced tolerance water stress. Journal of Biosciences, 2005,30:647-655

[44] Zhao L X , Qiu C X, Li J F, Chai Y R , Kai G.Y, Li Z G, Tang K X. Investigation of disease resistance and cold tolerance of Solanum lycopersicoides for tomato improvement. HortScience, 2005,40 (1):43–46

[45] Kai G Y, Zhao L X, Zheng J G, Zhang L, Zhang L D, Miao Z Q, Li Z G, Sun X F, Tang K X. Isolation and characterization of a new mannose-binding lectin gene from Taxus media. Journal of Bioscience, J. Biosci. 2004, 29(4): 399–407

[46] Kai G Y, Miao Z Q, Qiu C X, Zhang L, Zhao L X, Li Z G, Xu T F, Zhang L D, Gong Y F, Zhao D L, Liu D H, Sun X F, Tang K X. Molecular cloning and characterization of a taxadienol acetyl transferase cDNA from Taxus media. Plant science, 2004, 167(4): 759-764

[47] Li Z G*, Zhao L X*, Kai GY, Yu S W, Cao Y F, Pang Y Z, Sun X F, Tang K X. Cloning and expression analysis of a water stress-induced gene from Brassica oleracea. plant physiology and biochemistry. 2004, 42:789–794(* These authors contributed equally to this work)

[48] Tang D Q, Qian H M, Yu S W, Cao Y F, Liao Z H, Zhao L X, Sun X F, Huang D F, Tang K X. cDNA cloning and characterization of a new stress-responsive gene BoRS1 from Brassica oleracea var. acephala. Physiologia Plantarum, 2004, 121: 578-585

[49] Chai Y R, Zhao L X, Liao Z H, Sun X F, Zuo K J, Zhang L, Wang S G, Tang K X. Molecular cloning of potential Verticillium dahliae resistance gene SlVe1 with multi-site polyadenylation from Solanum lycopersicoides. DNA Sequence, 2003,14(5): 375–384

[50] Kai G Y, Zheng J G, Zhang L, Pang Y Z, Liao Z H, Li Z G, Zhao L X, Sun X F, Tang K X. Molecular cloning of a new lectin gene from Z.grandiflora. DNA Sequence, 2003,14(4): 335-338

[51] Feng XC, Chen LL, Du KY, Li YP, Zhao LX†. Morphological characteristics of flower and microspore development in Physalis pubescens. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2019,39(5):647-652(Chinese)

[52] Li L, Feng XC, Zhao LX†. Effect of genetic lesion of YFT1 on the fruit color and firmness in tomato. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2018,38(5):790-794(Chinese)

[53] Yang GH, Chen LL, Wang XL, Li SS, Zhao LX†. Bioactivity of the Escherichia coli-derived Norovirus P particles and its shape under TEM. Chinese Biotechnology, 2013, 3:15–20 (Chinese)

[54] Song W, LI S S, Yang G H, Zhao L X†. Express Recombinant Norovirus P particles in Escherichia coli. Journal of Science),2011,29(2):37-42(Chinese) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Agricultural

[55] Lu LY, Song W, You X H, Jiang T, Zhao LX†. Expression of b ioactive thymosin1 usingmarker free transgenic tobacco. China Biotechnology, 2010, 30 (3): 1-8(Chinese)

[56] Zhang Y, Zhang X P, Zhao LX†. Preliminary Research on the Expression of Recombinant Human Proinsulin Using Transgenic Tobacco. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Agricultural Science),2010,28(1):14-18, 54(Chinese)

[57] Yang N, Zhao L X, Tang KX. Cloning, expression, and purification of recombinant human-insul in analogue gene in E. coli. Medical Journal of Wuhan University, 2010,31(3):281-287

[58] Cui L J,Lu L Y, Ye J, Pang YZ,Shen GA, Zhao L X† and Tang K X. Development of functional lettuce for preventing and curing osteoporosis. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science), 2009, 27(5):465-474

[59] Zhao L X, Zhang L, Wei J, Kai G Y, Li Z G, Qian H M, Zhang H, Tang K X. Research on the expression of human coagulation factor IX in tobacco. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26 (3): 11-16(Chinese)

[60] Wang X Y, Pu Y Y, Song J, Wang G F, Qian H M, Lin J, Zhao L X†, Tang K X. A preliminary study on the expression of a new type salmon calcitonin gene in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Yangzhou University (Agricultural and Life Science Edition), 2006,27:9-13 (Chinese) († Author for correspondence)

[61] Jin L X, Sun S X, Yu X H, Zhao L X, Li J F, Tang K X. Research on the transgenic tomato using a novel mcgrp gene by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated method. Journal of Yangzhou University (Agricultural and Life Science Edition), 2006,27(4):12-16(Chinese)

[62] Zhao L X, Jin L X, Li Z G, Cao Y F, Qiu C X, Tang D Q, Qian H M, Tang K X. Cloning and DNA sequences analysis of element responsive to ethylene in E8 promoter of the tomato. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2004, 31: 204(Chinese)

[63] Zhao L X, Li J F, Kai G Y. Evaluation on the resistance of S olanum lycopersicoides to diseases. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2003, 34(1): 19-23(Chinese)

[64] Zhao L X, Li J F, Xu X Y, Kai GY , Li Z G, Tang K X. Difference on the cold tolerance of Solanum lycopersicoides. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2003, 30: 416(Chinese)

[65] Zhao L X, Li J F, Tang K X, Xu X Y, Kai G Y. Study on the habits of Solanum lycopersicoides growth and development. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2002, 33(2): 143-146(Chinese)

[66] Zhao L X, Li J F, Tang K X, Xu X Y, Kai G Y. Genetic analysis of Lycopersicon by RAPD markers.Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science Edition),2002,41(2): 222-226 (Chinese)

[67] Zhao L X, Liu S W, Li J F, Xu X Y, Ju W H. Study on optimization of the culture medium for Lycopersicon pollen germination. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2000, 31(2): 147-151(Chinese)

[68] Jin LX, Zhao L X†. Research progress, bottlenecks and strategies in the plant bioreactor. China Biotechnology, 2009, 29 (5) : 104-110(Chinese)

[69] Lu LY, Yang N and Zhao L X†. Progress on themolecular biology of the Cladosporium fulvum and its resistance genes in tomato. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2009,36:911-922(Chinese)

[70] Meng F J, Huang F L and Zhao L X†. Progress in the Molecular Biology of Solanum peruvianum. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2008,35:1233-1240(Chinese)

[71] Chen Y H, Zhao L X, Cui L X, Tang K X. Progress in transgenic plants producing pharmaceutical proteins. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2007, 9 (5): 36- 44(Chinese)

[72] Tang K X, Kai G Y, Zhang L, Pan Z, Zhao L X, Sun X F, Zheng J G. Advances in RACE and its application in plant gene cloning. Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science).2002, 41(6): 704-709(Chinese)

[73] Zhao L X, Li J F, Xu X Y. Advances of the study on Solanum lycopersicoides. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2000,27:492-496(Chinese)

[74] Zhao L X, Li J.A review: origin, dissemination and classification of Lycopersicon. Crop Variety and Resource, 1999, 3: 29-31(Chinese)

[75] Zhang W, Yan XF, Zhao L X†. Talking about plant-derived vaccines. Plant Physiology Communications, 2009,45(10):1033-1041(Chinese)

† Corresponding author, * co-first author



[1] Zhao Lingxia, Wangshan, and Zhao weihua. “heirloom tomato atlas”(in Chinese) (ISBN:978-7-313-29967-3 ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press(2024-01-01)

[2] Zhao Lingxia, Wang Fu, Li Zhugang, Chai Yourong, Kai Guoyin, Chen Yuhui, Cui Lijie, Meng Fanjuan. “Tomato Wild Species” (in Chinese) (ISBN:978-7-313-07978-7/S), Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press(2012-09-01)

[3] Wang Aoxue, Wu Jing, Zhao Lingxia, Zhang Jinghai, Wang Ying, Yu Bin, Sheng Juzheng, Zhu Xufen, Ren Guioing, Liu Yanfeng, Shu Weiheng, Li jiaheng, Zhang Chuanbo, Chen Xiuling, Zheng Weijuan, Zhao Huijun, Duan Xuguo, Huang Qilai, Cao Yiang, Dou Fei. “ Principles and Technology of Gene Engineering” (in Chinese)(ISBN:978-7-04-043457-6), Higher Education Press, Peking(2015-11-01)

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[4]赵凌侠,王晓磊,李善爽,杨桂华,高美凤.4×Tβ4 基因以及在烟草中表达 4×Tβ4 蛋白 的方法,中国授权,专利号:ZL2012 1 0103272.5,授权公告日:2013年08月28日。

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[1] SJTU 红果1号(GPD番茄(2020)310435),品种登记(农业农村部),2020,排名第1;

[2] SJTU 紫果2号(GPD番茄(2020)310434),品种登记(农业农村部),2020;排名第1

[3] 沪交小番茄2号(LA3475r/LA1585),品种认定(上海市),2014,排名第1



1. 承担课程:《走进神秘的番茄世界》(本科生全校通选课);《分子遗传学》(研究生 专业基础课)

2. 其他育人工作经历:培养博士后4名;博士5名;硕士生12名,其中上海市优秀毕业生 2 名,正规网赌十大排行网址优秀毕业生4名;本科生5名。



1. 《现代农业科学本科研究性实践性教学体构建与实施》,上海市教学成果二等奖(市 级),2009,排名第5;

2. 《针对多元性研究生教学的研究与实践》(A130608),获正规网赌十大排行网址2013年度教 学发展基金A类资助(全校共9项),2013年度,排名第1。

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