
安 渊
职       称:长聘教授



安渊、博士,教授,博士生导师。2000年毕业于内蒙古大学生命科学院,获理学博士;1987—2000年在中国农业科学院草原研究所工作,随后调入十大网赌信誉官网排名工作至今期间于2003,9-2004,11年在美国University of Oklahoma访学。现担任农业部都市农业重点实验室副主任中国草学会常务理事中国草学会遗传育种委员会常务理事、 《中国草地学报》、《草业科学》和《草学》编委。



紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)营养价值高,固氮能力强,是优良的牧草、蔬菜和保健品原料。酸性土壤占中国耕地面积的28%,其高含量的Al3+严重抑制苜蓿生长,是南方红壤土紫花苜蓿高效种植的主要限制因子。但紫花苜蓿在南方弱酸性土壤上生长旺盛,四季常绿,适宜与作物轮作栽培,既可改良农田,节约化肥,提高作物产量,又是开创南方紫花苜蓿产业,增加农田经济效益的高效栽培模式,因此,本人长期致力于紫花苜蓿响应铝胁迫的生理分子机制、耐铝毒紫花苜蓿分子育种和紫花苜蓿与作物轮作栽培技术等研究。



  1. 类纤维素合成酶MsCSLD2/G3对紫花苜蓿响应铝胁迫的调控作用与机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027;

  2. 三个紫花苜蓿WRKY转录因子的耐铝毒功能及其调控机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024;

  3. 紫花苜蓿细胞壁果胶解聚调控及其缓解苜蓿铝毒害的机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022;

  4. MsMYB转录因子对紫花苜蓿耐铝毒的调控和机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019;

  5. 紫花苜蓿耐铝有机酸作用系统及其分子调控机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-2013;

  6. 科技创新-2030重大项目

  7. 饲料饲草化学成分迁移与种养循环关键技术,科技部重点研发项目课题,2023-2028;

  8. 林-草-畜生态种养循环模式研究与示范,科技部重点研发项目课题,2016-2020;

  9. 南方草田轮作技术研究与示范,科技部重点研发项目课题,2011-2015;

  10. 紫花苜蓿冬季栽培及轮作作物双减关键技术的研究与示范,上海市农委重点项目,2020-2023;



以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文100余篇,其中,在Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Global change biology、Ecology等SCI源期刊发表论文50余篇;主编和参编教材、专著6部;获国家发明专利授权20余项,国家草品种审定2个。


  1. Nana Fan, Liantai Su, Aimin Lv, Wuwu Wen, Li Gao, Xiangkai You, Peng Zhou and Yuan An* (2024) PECTIN ACETYLESTERASE12 regulates shoot branching via acetic acid and auxin accumulation in alfalfa shoots. Plant Physiology, Http://dio.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae071
  2. Aimin Lv, Liantai Su, Wuwu Wen, Nana Fan, Peng Zhou and Yuan An* (2023) The MsDHN1-MsPIP2;1-MsmMYB module orchestrates the trade-off between growth and survival of alfalfa in response to drought stress. Plant Biotechnology Journal. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.14251.
  3. Aimin Lv, Liantai Su, Wuwu Wen, Nana Fan, Peng Zhou and Yuan An* (2023) Chloroplast-targeted late embryogenesis abundant 1 increases alfalfa tolerance to drought and aluminum. Plant Physiology, Http://dio.org/10.1093/plphys/kind477
  4. Liantai Su , Aimin Lv , Wuwu Wen , Nana Fan, Jiaojiao Li, Li Gao, Peng Zhou and Yuan An*2022MsMYB741 is involved in alfalfa resistance to aluminum stress by regulating flavonoid biosynthesis. Plant Journal, doi: 10.1111/tpj.15977
  5. Nana Fan, Wuwu Wen, Li Gao, Aimin Lv, Liantai Su, Peng Zhou, Yuan An* (2022) MsPG4-mediated hydrolysis of pectins increases the cell wall extensibility and aluminum resistance of alfalfa, Plant and Soil, Http://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022
  6. Aimin Lv, Wuwu Wen, Nana Fan, Liantai Su, Peng Zhou and Yuan An* (2021) Dehydrin MsDHN1 improves aluminum tolerance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) by affecting oxalate exudation from root tips. Plant Journal, 108: 441-45
  7. Wen Wuwu, Wang Ruyue, Su Liantai, Lv Aimin, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2021) MsWRKY11, activated by MsWRKY22, functions in drought tolerance and modulates lignin biosynthesis in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 184(2), 104373.
  8. Li Jiaojiao, Su Liantai, Lv Aimin, Li Yanbang, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2020) MsPG1 alleviated aluminum-induced inhibition of root growth by decreasing aluminum accumulation and increasing porosity and extensibility of cell walls in alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175, 104045.
  9. Lv Aimin, Su Liantai, WenWuwu, Fan Nana, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2020) Analysis of the function of the alfalfa MsLEA-D34 gene in abiotic stress responses and flowering time. Plant and Cell Physiology, 62:968.
  10. Su Liantai, Xie Jianping, Wen Wuwu, Li Jiaojiao, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2020) Interaction of zinc and IAA alleviate aluminum-induced damage on photosystems via promoting proton motive force and reducing proton gradient in alfalfa. BMC Plant Biology, 20:433.
  11. Cheng Xiaoqing, Fang Tingyu, Zhao Eenhua, Zheng Baogang, An Yuan*, Zhou Peng* (2020) Protective roles of salicylic acid in maintaining integrity and functions of photosynthetic photosystems for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) tolerance to aluminum toxicity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 155,570-578.
  12. Lv Aimin, Su Liantai, Liu Xingchen, Xing Qiang, Huang Bingru, An Yuan*, Zhou Peng* (2018) Characterization of dehydrin protein, CdDHN4-L and CdDHN4-S, and their differential protective roles against abiotic stress in vitro. BMC Plant Biology, 18(1) :299.
  13. Shengyin Wang, Shili Yuan, Liantai Su, Aimin Lv, Peng Zhou, Yuan An * (2017) Aluminum toxicity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is alleviated by exogenous foliar IAA inducing reduction of Al accumulation in cell wall. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 139: 1-13
  14. Wang Shengyin, Ren Xiaoye, Huang Bingru, Wang Ge, Zhou Peng*, An Yuan* (2016) Aluminium-induced reduction of plant growth in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is mediated by interrupting auxin transport and accumulation in roots. Scientific Reports, 6: 1-12. doi:10.1038/srep30079
  15. Xiaoye Gao, Dongyan Shi, Aimin Lv, Shengyin Wang, ShiliYuan, Peng Zhou*, Yuan An*(2016) Increases in phosphorus availability and N use efficiency from the use of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) green manure in rice cultivation. Scientific Reports, 6:36981|DOI: 10.1038/srep36981
  16. Gao Xiaoye, Lv Aimin, Wang Shengyin, Su Liantai, Zhou Peng*, An Yuan* (2016) Greenhouse gas intensity and net ecosystem carbon budget following the application of green manures in rice paddies. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10705-016-9797-7
  17. Zhou P, Su L, Lv A, Wang S, Huang B, An Yuan* (2016) Gene Expression Analysis of Alfalfa Seedlings Response to Acid-Aluminum. International Journal of Genomics. ID 2095195,13
  18. Xiaoye Gao, Yuan An* (2015) Effect of green manure on rice growth and plant nutrients under convetional and no-till system, Agronomy Journal,107(6): 2335-2346
  19. He Qiang, Cui Baoshan, Mark D. Bertness, An Yuan* (2012) Testing the importance of plant strategies on facilitation using congeners in a coastal community. Ecology, 93(9), 2023–2029
  20. Yuan An, Shiqiang Wan, Xuhui Zhou, Yiqi Luo (2005) Plant nitrogen concentration, use efficiency, and contents in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem under experimental warming. Global Change Biology,11: 1733–1744

注:* 通讯作者

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